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How to teach emotional intelligence to children?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, recognize and manage one’s own emotions. It is an important skill to have, especially when it comes to dealing with school, exams, and stress. Teaching emotional intelligence to children in these contexts can help them handle challenging situations with greater ease and confidence. Below are listed some tips by teachers of the best CBSE school in South Kolkata on how parents can teach emotional intelligence to children.

Tips to teach emotional intelligence to children

Help them recognize and name their emotions: When it comes to school and exams, children may feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, says teachers of an English medium school in South Kolkata. Encourage them to identify and name these emotions and talk to them about how they can cope with such feelings in a healthy way.

1. Teach them stress-reduction techniques:

Stress can be a big factor in school and exams, but it does not have to be debilitating. Teach children stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or visualization. Ask them to take breaks, get enough sleep, and exercise to regulate their emotions.

2. Practice active listening:

Listening actively is an important part of emotional intelligence. Encourage children to listen actively to others without interrupting or judging. This can help them understand the perspectives of others and allow them to build healthy relationships with their peers.

3. Teach problem-solving skills:

Problem-solving skills are another important aspect of emotional intelligence. Teach children how to break down problems into smaller parts, brainstorm solutions, and evaluate the consequences of each option. This can help them feel more confident and in control when it comes to exams and other challenging situations.

4. Encourage positive self-talk:

It is an important tool for building emotional resilience. Encourage children to talk to themselves in a positive way, reminding themselves of their strengths and abilities. This can enable them to stay motivated and focused even in stressful situations.

5. Model emotional intelligence:

Children learn by example, so it’s important to model emotional intelligence yourself. Show them how to manage their own emotions, such as taking deep breaths or going for a walk when feeling overwhelmed.

We have discussed some ways you, as a parent, can cultivate emotional intelligence in your child from the perspective of the teachers of the top CBSE school in South Kolkata. Follow them to ensure that your child grows up to be an emotionally intelligent individual in future.