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Importance of holistic education: Top CBSE School explains

A holistic approach is a comprehensive method where teachers emphasize on a child’s emotional, social, ethical, and academic needs in an integrated learning environment. One of the top CBSE Schools in Kolkata stated that holistic education helps the child to reflect on their actions and apply their critical thinking abilities to solve real-life problems. The main goal of holistic education is to cultivate a child’s psychological, emotional, social, and moral attributes in the best possible way.

Top CBSE School tips to create a holistic learning approach

Though holistic education is guided by one overarching method, educators employ different strategies to develop holistic learning among students. One of the top CBSE Schools in South Kolkata lays down some tips to instill holistic education.

  • Build strong teacher-student relationships: Teachers should foster strong bonds with students by knowing students’ needs and strengths and allowing them to express themselves. Also, encouraging students to take leadership responsibilities will enhance their motivation.
  • Incorporating emotional needs: Emotional development is as equally important as academic progress. As a teacher, it is their responsibility to nurture the mental well-being of a child. Lessons on empathy must be included as part of their activity, focusing on effective listening and keen observation.
  • Instilling self-confidence: Students with enough self–confidence are more likely to succeed than those who lack self- confidence. Educators must treat each student equally and provide opportunities to express their ideas without fear. Moreover, lessons must be planned to focus on student’s life and real-world problems.

Holistic education benefits: Says top CBSE School

Holistic education has a lot of benefits for both students and teachers. CBSE school in south Kolkata explains some advantages of holistic education.

  • Improves academic performance of the students by providing a supportive learning environment
  • Increases critical thinking and problem-solving skills to resolve real-world situations and work together with others.
  • Improves the emotional well-being of students by creating a sense of awareness, self-confidence, and responsibility
  • Develop better communication skills by encouraging the students to exchange ideas with each other and make learning more engaging


Holistic education helps in the overall development of students. It enables the students to be more balanced and well-rounded. Moreover, holistic education promotes the lifelong success of a student, while keeping their happiness. However, parents may sometimes feel that a student might not progress academically with a holistic approach. But academic excellence is holistic education’s primary goal and overall development.