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Fees Rules

1. Tuition fees are payable by the 10th of the current month. A late fee of Rs.10/- is chargeable from the 11th to the last day of the month.An additional Rs.10/- is chargeable for each calendar month’s delay thereafter.
2. Part payment of fees is not accepted.
3. Full tuition fees are chargeable for the vacation months payable in advance before the commencement of vacations.
4. Progress reports and promotions are liable to be held up unless all fees are paid up-to-date.
5. Names of defaulters for 3 consecutive months are struck off the role without notice and readmission is granted upto 30 days thereafter, only on settlement of arrears including the chargeable late fee in addition to the usual admission fee.
6. Fee book is to be produced at our office at 1st and 14th august and between 1st and 20th april every year for verification.
7. One calendar month’s written notice from the guardian or one month’s fees in lieu of notice is the essential condition for voluntary withdrawal of name from roll or from conveyance register.