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6 Proven Ways in Which Parents Can Self-Discipline Children

Why is self-discipline essential for children?

Teaching children self-discipline is an important part of parenting. This skill is essential for kids to manage their emotions, make good choices, and succeed in life. Experts of Bodhi Bhavans Collegiate Schools discuss 6 ways that parents can adopt to build self-discipline in their children.

Establish Clear Rules

    Children need to understand what you expect from them. You can start by setting clear and simple behaviour rules and daily routines. For example, if you want your child to finish homework before playing outside, ensure this rule is clear and straightforward. Clear rules can help your child know exactly what you want and follow your rules more easily.

    Be consistent

      Consistency is important when it comes to discipline. If you are consistent with rules, children may become clear and may avoid the rules. Stick to your rules and apply them whenever the rule is broken. For example, if you have made a rule that toys must be put away before bed, ensure this rule is applied every night before bed. 

      Use positive reinforcement

        Instead of pointing only to what your children do wrong, celebrate what they do right. Appreciate the good behaviour of your child, or you may offer them small rewards after completing the given task. Positive reinforcement helps children understand the benefits of following rules and motivates them to repeat those behaviours.

        Model good behaviour

          Parents are the main teachers of children, as they often learn by observing you. If you want your child to be disciplined, show them how to manage their own time by keeping commitments. Explain your good habits, like finishing tasks, staying organized, and handling stress calmly. When children see you practicing self-discipline, they want to adopt similar habits. 

          Encourage problem-solving skills

            Help your child think through their actions and understand how to solve problems independently. Instead of just telling them what they did wrong, help them recognise why their behaviour was a problem and how to improve. For example, if your child forgets to do their homework, talk about ways like setting a reminder or packing their bags the night before to help them remember and manage their time better. These skills will help your child learn from their mistakes and develop self-discipline.

            Apply Logical Consequence

              If your child breaks a rule, apply consequences that are directly related to the behaviour. For example, if your child refuses to clean their room, a logical result could be losing access to their toys or screen time until the room is cleaned. Logical consequences help children build the connection between their actions and outcomes, making them better understand and accept their responsibility.


              By implementing these strategies, Bodhi Bhavans Collegiate School helps you effectively teach your children the importance of self-discipline. This not only helps your child behave better but also develops skills for future success. 

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